Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lake Ann again - this time with my friend Ken

This past weekend Ken and I went backpacking to Lake Ann which is in the Collegiate Wilderness above Buena Vista, Colorado. This was our first trip together since Ken got his replacement knee and it was great to see how well he is able to hike again.

The weather cooperated most of the time and when it did rain Saturday evening, Ken and I were ready for a rest in our tents anyway. After a couple hours of rain, the beautiful weather returned and we could get back to the task at hand: enjoying great camaraderie in a beautiful setting.

Lake Ann is quite large by Rocky Mountain standards and despite its size, Ken was able to spot two large animals on the bluffs on the other side of the lake from us. I was barely able to see them but with my camera's zoom lens we were able to identify them as deer - a male with still velvety antlers and his mate. We had several Marmots keeping watch over our camp and even saw a baby Pine Marten. These are mink-like animals that are rarely seen in the daytime.

First night's camp near the trailhead:

Lake Ann campsite:

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